Friday, October 18, 2013

Mourning Cloak - No Visible Light

Mourning Cloak, a drone/doom metal from Greensboro, NC, might remind you of that other drone/doom band from that other place in that other city. Yeah, there is no real difference. Except perhaps that Mourning Cloak have somehow exploded within the metal scene blasting music that is nothing short of generic and underwhelming. The guys in the band are really cool, and I have met and talked with a few of them at a few different junctions. Considering they share members of Graf Orlock and Torch Runner, musicianship is really not the problem with this album. The problem is the amount of doom metal bands who have already tried to do this exact same thing. 
I can’t stand to see an album get overhyped when it would fail with another band. That's exactly what this album did. They took the unexciting music and made people excited about it. I don’t know if they are popular because of their previous bands or if people just really love the same old stuff, but I just can’t get down with it. Listening to the self-titled track on their album No Visible Light, I find myself constantly losing attention. Guitars drone uneventfully as drums trudge on through thick, nasty vocals(that are actually pretty badass sometime.) But overall, there is just nothing catchy of hooking about it. Boring drone being done uneventfully. Maybe the sound just isn’t quite developed enough yet. Though I love simplistic music, there are definitely limits. You have to be simplistic in your own way and create your own style so that you don't lose the focus of your audience, or of your on muscianship. Sure, I like bands that many would call generic, and even downright shitty, but these bands were the ones who started it or the ones who know how to continue in a new direction. There needs to be evolution in music. Evolution is key.

Check it out Here

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